MATLAB program for square wave generation

Program Code
plot (t,y);
axis ([0 4 -2 2]);
xlabel ('Time');
ylabel ('Amplitude');
title ('Square Waveform');
grid on;

Explanation of Program Code
It clears all input and output from the Command Window display giving clean screen. It removes items from workspace, freeing up system memory. After using clc, the scroll bar cannot be used to see the history of functions, but still the up arrow can be used to recall statements from the command history.

clear all;
It removes all variables from the workspace. This frees up system memory.

close all;
It deletes all figures whose handles are not hidden.

Here vector t is created as time axis. 
Vector t has 401 elements. The starting element is 0 and the final element is 4. There is an increment of 0.01 between consecutive elements of vector t.

This command creates a square waveform.

plot (t,y);
It plots all the lines defined by t versus y pairs. That is, it makes the square waveform appear on the screen.

axis ([0 4 -2 2]);
It sets the limits for the x- and y-axis of the current axes.
Here according to the above command x-axis begins at 0 and ends at 4. Here y-axis begins at -2 and ends at 2.

xlabel ('Time');
It labels x axis(time axis) as Time. Each axes graphics object can have one label for the x-, y-, and z-axis. The label appears beneath its respective axis in a two-dimensional plot.

ylabel ('Amplitude');
It labels y axis as amplitude.

title ('Square Waveform');
It outputs the phrase 'Square Waveform' above the figure at the top.

grid on;
It adds major grid lines to the current axes.


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