Syllabus of 'Digital Signal Processing Lab' in the KTU B.Tech ECE 5th semester can be seen by clicking here.

Given below is the syllabus of 
'Digital Signal Processing Lab' in the fifth semester of 
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering, under the 
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (initially Kerala Technological University, also known as KTU).

Digital Signal Processing Lab
EC 213 Electronics Design Automation Lab, EC 202 Signals & Systems
Course objectives:
ยท         Enable the students to explore the concepts of design, simulation and implementation of various systems using MATLAB/SciLab/OCTAVE and DSP kit.
List of Experiments:

Part A: Experiments on Digital Signal Processor/ DSP kits: (All experiments are mandatory)

1.        Generation of sine wave and standard test signals.
2.        Convolution : Linear and Circular
3.        Real Time FIR Filter implementation (Low-pass, High-pass and Band-pass) by inputting a signal from the signal generator
4.        Real Time IIR Filter implementation ( Low-pass, High-pass and Band-pass) by inputting a signal from the signal generator
5.        Sampling of analog signal and study of aliasing.

Part B: Experiments based on MATLAB/SciLab/OCTAVE (7 experiments are mandatory)
1.      Generation of waveforms (Continuous and discrete)
2.      Verification of Sampling Theorem.
3.      Time and Frequency Response of LTI systems (First and second order).
4.      Linear Convolution, Circular Convolution and Linear Convolution using Circular Convolution.
5.      To find the DFT and IDFT for the given input sequence.
6.      Linear convolution using DFT (Overlap-add and Overlap-Save methods).
7.      To find the DCT and IDCT for the given input sequence.
8.      To find FFT and IFFT for the given input sequence.
9.      FIR and IIR filter design using Filter Design Toolbox.
10.  FIR Filter (Low-pass, High-pass and Band-pass)design (Window method).
11.  IIR Filter (Low-pass, High-pass and Band-pass)design (Butterworth and Chebychev).
12.  Generation of AM, FM & PWM waveforms and their spectrum.
13.  Generation of DTMF signal.
14.  Study of sampling rate conversion (Decimation, Interpolation, Rational factor).
15.  Filtering of noisy signals
16.  Implementation of simple algorithms in audio processing (delay, reverb, flange etc.).
17.  Implementation of simple algorithms in image processing (detection, de-noising, filtering etc.)
Expected outcome:
The student should able to:
Design, simulate and realize various systems related to DSP.

                         Syllabus  ends here                           

The program codes required for some of the experiments mentioned in Part B of the above syllabus are given here. These program codes are written in MATLAB.
The program code for each experiment can be read by clicking on the link given below the name of the respective experiment.
1. Generation of wave forms (Continuous and Discrete).

2. Linear convolution

  (ii) Circular Convolution

  (iii) Linear convolution using circular convolution.

3.To find DFT and IDFT for the given input sequence.
    (i) MATLAB program to find DFT without using MATLAB function.

   (ii) MATLAB program to find IDFT without using MATLAB function.

   (iii) MATLAB program to find DFT and IDFT using MATLAB functions.

4. IIR Filter (Low pass, High pass and Band pass) design. (Butterworth and Chebyshev).
   (i) MATLAB program for the design and implementation of Butterworth low pass filter.

   (ii) MATLAB program for the design and implementation of Butterworth high pass filter.

  (iii) MATLAB program for the design and implementation of Butterworth band pass filter.

  (iv) MATLAB program for the design and implementation of Chebyshev low pass filter.

  (v) MATLAB program for the design and implementation of Chebyshev high pass filter.

  (vi) MATLAB program for the design and implementation of Chebyshev band pass filter.

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